How to Remove Stains and Take Care of Your Fabric

How to Remove Stains and Take Care of Your Fabric

Your new white short doesn’t look the same now, your denims have bad stains all over and your favourite dress got ruined by ice cream… what to do? No matter how careful you are while eating spaghetti or lazily sipping from your glass of wine, the basic unavoidable fact of life is that stains will happen….

How to Keep Your Veggies Fresh for Longer

How to Keep Your Veggies Fresh for Longer

We know enough about the benefits of including fresh vegetables in our daily diet, don’t we? But once you’ve bought your veggies, do you know how long you can really keep them fresh? When vegetables get stale, not only do they lose their taste but also most of their nutrients. Naturally, they aren’t going to…

How to reduce Your Refrigerator’s Energy Cost

How to reduce Your Refrigerator’s Energy Cost

Account for a lot of energy consumption and refrigerators lead the pack. They are an integral part of every home, however, it is important to understand that they also make up for a big portion of the electricity bills especially in summers. Whether the refrigerator is a latest energy efficient model or a decade old…

Healthy Ways of Creating Spaces in Refrigerator

Healthy Ways of Creating Spaces in Refrigerator

The feeling of contentment is undeniable while you are drinking a glass of chilled water. Each drop of that cold drink flows into your food pipe giving the ‘cool-cool, thanda-thanda’ sensation. This is specifically noticeable when heat is all around, and when summers are approaching, cooling drinks and saving foods in the refrigerators is like…

Most Useful Hacks to cut on Electricity Bills at Home

Most Useful Hacks to cut on Electricity Bills at Home

We all want to save money and use electricity effectively and efficiently. But with this uber lifestyle, filled with so many heavy gage appliances it seems a little tough a job. For now let’s take some baby steps to do our part for Mother Nature and reduce the carbon footprint. Here are some quick hacks…